How many times have you settled down at your desk with a cup of coffee or tea, ready to pay bills, sort through the mail or catch up on correspondence, only to discover you’re missing something you need? You’ve just interrupted your task, broken your concentration, and probably feel frustrated. With a small investment in time, and a little forethought, you can avoid this situation forever!
Here’s how:
Designate a drawer in your desk or nearby rolling cart that’s always stocked with desk essentials. These include pencils, (extra lead if you use a mechanical pencil), erasers, pens, a few highlighters of various colors, stapler, staple remover, scissors, clear tape, traditional paper clips and binder clips, rubber bands, ruler, calculator, sticky notes, note pad, letter opener, stationary, note cards, envelopes, stamps and correction fluid. Depending on your specific needs, you may want to customize this list to include additional items.
However, don’t make the mistake of keeping all your extra supplies in the same place. If you have 20 pens, 8 markers in each color of the rainbow, and a five-year supply of paper clips in your desk drawer, you’ll never find what you need. Your goal is to see at a glance and easily retrieve the tool you’re after. Store the extras in a place that works for you, like a nearby supply closet or credenza.
What if you have more than one area in your home where you conduct similar
paperwork-related activities? Don’t be afraid to duplicate the stock of supplies you’ll need there. Although you don’t want pencils, pens, scissors and staplers in every nook and cranny of your home, there’s no rule that says you can’t simplify your life by setting up systems that keep you focused on your task. Avoid the misconception that an “organized person” only keeps these items in one location. The goal of organization is to make your life simpler and more efficient, not just ‘neater.’
Go to your desk drawer today. Take everything out, throw away the trash, and sort through the rest. Sharpen your pencils, discard the dried-up pens, and using your list of essentials, purchase what’s missing. Put items in a drawer organizer to keep it neat. I like to use individual trays of various sizes for a custom fit, and to maximize my space. You’ll be happily surprised by how this small step can make a big change in your day-to-day work.