Spring is a time of new life. We look forward to seeing the trees bursting with new leaves, flowers blooming, baby bunnies appearing from burrows, and young birds learning to fly. In the past, before computers and social media took over our lives, the pace of life was slower. This was the time of year to engage in the ritual of spring cleaning – washing windows, beating rugs, and hanging freshly washed clothes on the line, to dry in the fresh air.
The urge for renewal is a strong life force
Even though that ritual is all but gone, we still feel the urge to start fresh, plant our gardens with fresh vegetables and flowers, and sweep away the cobwebs – whether literally or figuratively. We want to throw open the windows and feel the breeze, listen to the sounds of birds chirping and breathe in the scent of the air after a refreshing spring rain.
That’s why spring cleaning still has a place in our psyche. We know how uplifted we feel when the world is fresh and full of promise. That’s why we want to bring that feeling into our immediate environment. That’s why we feel the urge to get organized. We know how good it feels to clear the clutter from our living space as well as our minds.
It’s the perfect season to freshen our homes
I’m convinced that removing clutter from our homes is much more than “just” getting rid of junk. There’s something about eliminating the excess that’s cathartic. It helps us clarify our values, to look at the things we own and ask ourselves if they serve us, or just hold us back.
Instead of falling into the trap of believing that the more is better, the opposite can also be true. If every closet, cupboard and drawer is bursting at the seams, how can we feel that we’re in control? More importantly, how can we find what we’re looking for?
In the last few days, I’ve been digging through my own home looking for the stowaways that are taking up space and giving me nothing in return. They may have had value at some point, but I haven’t used them in a long time, and if I’m honest with myself, I know I’ll probably never use them again. So, out they go!
Start with baby steps
Many of my clients suffer from “too much stuff.” I know from experience that they understand this concept. But life moves fast and undertaking a project as big as a house can feel daunting and overwhelming.
I often work with people who have been “stuck” for so long they’ve become resigned to living in an unorganized and cluttered environment. But once they get past the inertia and see how good it feels to lighten up, they become energized and want to do more.
So, if you’ve been procrastinating, I’d like to encourage you to take a baby step. Open a junk drawer and clean it out. Go through your makeup and discard what you don’t use. Fold some laundry and put it away. You may be surprised by what you can accomplish in just 15 minutes.