
Are your cupboards overflowing and your closets bursting with clothes and other items? Do you have several shopping bags in your home or car that have never been opened and their contents put away?

Do you find yourself making purchases that you later feel guilty or anxious about, and intend to return? These behaviors are more common than you might think, and by following these tips you can reduce the challenges of over-shopping or compulsive shopping

1. Leave your credit cards at home.

If you know you have a hard time resisting temptation when it comes to shopping consider making it harder for yourself to fall victim to impulse buys. Try leaving your credit cards at home, or lock them safely in your car if you don’t have specific purchases in mind. This will force you to take an extra step before making an unplanned purchase.

2. Shop with a list and stick to it.

It’s a proven fact that if you make a list before going shopping you’re much less likely to buy unnecessary items. Also, determine a budget beforehand to prevent yourself from buying something you don’t really need and can’t afford.

3. Distinguish between wants and needs.

Get in the habit of asking yourself before each purchase whether the item you’re considering is something you need or something you can do without. In our consumer culture it’s easy get lured into the idea that more is better by advertising and store displays encouraging us to buy more.

4. Notice your triggers.

Take a look at the factors influencing your shopping behavior. Do you shop when you’re bored, tired, anxious, depressed, or lonely? Most people don’t take the time to analyze why and when they shop. It’s possible that if you recognize your triggers, you’ll be more likely to notice them when they occur. With self-knowledge as your guide you may be able to cut back on shopping at those times.

5. More helpful tips for curbing your shopping enthusiasm.
  • Stay away from television shopping channels late at night or when you’re most vulnerable, especially if you know you’ll be tempted by the artificial hype these programs promote.
  • Instead of saving payment information when shopping online, re-entering your information each time. This strategy will give you just another minute or two to decide whether you really need the item you’re about to purchase.
  • Consider paying for everything with cash or debit card to avoid buying items you can’t immediately afford.
  • Be wary of subscription purchases and those that are automatically renewed. They can be a hassle to cancel and sometimes the products are delivered too frequently to be used up between orders.
  • Learn to immediately toss store catalogs that arrive in the mail unless you’re actively looking for a product they sell. Ask to be removed from catalog distribution when placing your order.
  • By maintaining a balance between what comes into your home and what goes out, it becomes easier to stay organized, function on a higher level, and feel less stressed about your finances.

I hope these strategies are helpful, but If you want to learn more about compulsive shopping, or you feel you need professional help, I suggest you visit https://BehavioralCents.com/stopping-overshopping

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